Key club is not a club that collects keys. KEY stands for Kiwanis Educating Youth, and we are an international youth leadership organization whose focus is fostering growth in our homes, schools, and communities via volunteering. Having been a former Key Club member myself, I already have a great deal of experience. I held local and district offices in high school—my official title my senior year was Lieutenant Governor of Division 16 of the Wisconsin-Upper Michigan District of Key Club International. I attended/helped plan Key club district conventions, I attended the 2019 Key Club International Convention in Baltimore, Maryland where I acted as a representative for our district and voted on international club policies, and I plan to revitalize our current Key Club! Please take the time to become a Key club member and say yes to volunteering in our area. Please fill out the google form below to express your interest in joining. Please note, Key club does expect members to pay dues and requires a certain amount of volunteer hours in order to stay a member.

Please fill out the linked google form by September 13th, at the absolute latest, to join!