Eating well this summer can be easy! Organizations and school districts in your area have partnered with **Meet Up and Eat Up **to provide everyone aged 18 and under with delicious, nutritious meals. This year, we’ve added additional sites to serve more children in rural areas.
All summer, children 18 and under can eat healthy, satisfying meals in their communities at no cost. No application is required, no registration is needed, and no proof of residency is asked for — just show up and enjoy a meal!
Visit the interactive map to find the location nearest you. You can also **text "FOOD" or "COMIDA" to **304-304 to find free meals in your neighborhood.
Meet Up and Eat Up’s summer meals are for everyone in the community. When people come together to eat these delicious, healthy meals, your community benefits. So come pick up a plate and meet your neighbors!
Please note meals are intended to be consumed on-site.
Northern Lights YMCA 800 Crystal Lake Blvd. Iron Mountain, MI 49801 | June 6 thru August 12 Monday-Friday Lunch 11:15-12:30 Snack 2:00-4:00 | Kingsford Middle School 445 Hamilton Ave Kingsford, MI 49802 | June 6 thru August 12 Monday-Thursday Breakfast 7:30-9:30 Lunch 10:45-1:00 | Woodland Elementary 2000 Pyle Drive Kingsford, MI 49802 June 6 thru | August 12 Monday-Friday Breakfast 8:00-9:45 Lunch 11:15-12:45 |