The Scholarship Program
- Clemo Scholarship (business; less than 4yr also)
Round 1 Scholarships (Due March 1)
• Allen Scholarship
• Bianchetti Scholarship
• Bodelin Scholarship (also 2yr/other)
• Brynelson Scholarship (also 2yr/other)
• Carlson Scholarship (also 2yr/other)
• Cochran Scholarship (also 2yr)
• Flanagan Scholarship
• General Scholarship (also 2yr/other)
• Jackson Scholarship (also 2yr/other)
• Jafolla Scholarship
• Johnson Scholarship
• Robbins Scholarship (female@NMU)
• Rushford Scholarship
• Spencer Scholarship (also 2yr/other)
Applications below are paper versions DUE MAR 1:
• Rolando Scholarship (need-based @ NMU)
Round 2 Scholarships (Due March 7)
• Fleury Scholarship (accounting/finance)
• Bert Harvey Scholarship (business)
• Gunville Scholarship (math-based; 2yr also)
Applications below are paper versions DUE MAR 7:
• Magee Johnson Scholarship (art/others)
• Izzo-Mariucci Scholarship (college athlete)
• Perino Scholarship (fine/p. arts)
• Sons of American Legion (C. justice/law, etc)
• American Legion Auxiliary (choice)
• Bertoldi Scholarship (business/acctg; 2yr also)
• IM-K Credit Union (choice; 2yr/other)
• Anne Look Scholarship (education) Due 3/1
• Golden K Scholarship (choice)
• IM-K Rotary Scholarship (choice)
• Richard Debelak (various majors)
• Newberg Scholarship(engin/constr) Due 3/1
• CDF Youth Comm. Service (volunteerism)
• Caviani Scholarship (music)
• Hagerup Scholarship (nursing) Due 3/1
• James Petroff (public service/various majors)
• Nurses Memorial (nursing)
• Liu Spirtas (business or industry)
• Peterson Eagle Scout(Eagle Scout Rank)
• Waves (swim team)
• Ed Koerschner (Trades)
• Larry Juul Memorial (automotive)
Round 3 Scholarships (Due April 12)
• Bacco Scholarship (engineering/architecture)
• Hoyle Scholarship (engineering @ MTU)
• Guild Scholarship (education)
• Kathleen Harry Scholarship (music/education)
• Perine Scholarship (educ/English)
• Horwitz Scholarship (education)
• Rochon Scholarship (education)
• Rigoni Scholarship (educ @ NMU priority)
• Raffin Scholarship (technical)
• Chuck Erickson Scholarship (technical)
• Cochran “Skilled Trades” Scholarship
• Rizzardi Vocational/Technical
Applications below are paper versions DUE April 12:
• MJ Electric (various)
• Delta Kappa Gamma Scholarship (education)
• Bianco Mem. Scholarship
• Hofer Scholarship (educ/others)
• Lions Club (choice; 2yr also)
• Spigarelli Scholarship (math/science)
• Rudy Ganga Scholarship (various)
• Walter H. Strand Memorial (choice in MICH)
• Peter E. Flaminio Memorial (various)
• Danielson Insurance Scholarship (2/4yr in MICH)
• Gilley Scholarship (various)
Round 4 Scholarships (Due April 18)
• Peterson Scholarship (2 or 4yr healthcare)
• Hammel-Delangis Scholarship (healthcare)
• H. Spigarelli Scholarship (nursing in Michigan)
• Pucci Scholarship (healthcare)
• Rapaich Family Scholarship (rehab healthcare)
Applications below are paper versions DUE APR 18:
• MacDonald Scholarship (soc. Science)
• Olson Scholarship (volunteerism; 2yr also)
• Miller Scholarship (Univ. of Michigan)
• UP Whitetail Scholarship (various)
• Palluconi Scholarship (choice; 2yr. also)
• P. Robbins Scholarship (various @ MSU)
• Pozza Scholarship (Univ. of Mich; CMU or MSU)
• Cerasoli Family Scholarship (males @ Bay)
• Cavaiani Scholarship (medical; 2 yr also)
• Iron Mountain PTO Scholarship (field of choice)
• Gordon Scholarship
Outside Scholarships (Due dates TBA)
AAUW Scholarship
AAUW Hoeffler Scholarship
Antique Car Club (nominated by voc teacher)
Dickinson Area Chamber Alliance
Dickinson Cty. War Veterans Scholarship
Friends of Education Scholarship
Michigan Elks Gold Key
John P. Oros
Key Club
Klungness Scholarship to Albion College
Klungness Scholarship to MTU
Lions District #10
Manko-Lusardi Scholarship
North Land Women for Education Scholarship
Professional Women in Building
Dorothy Occhietti Vocational Scholarship
40 & 8 Nurses Training Scholarship
Tortelli (Bishop Baraga)
UP Home Builders
The General Scholarship
The Iron Mountain High School graduating Class of 2022 was the 33rd class to be awarded scholarships made possible through the General Scholarship Fund. Who knew this fund that was established in 1988, and first awarded in 1990, would grow to what it has today. To date, over $318,600 has been awarded to IMHS graduates! What is to unique about the General Scholarship Fund, it that any amount of money can be donated to it, large or small and does make a difference. These scholarship awards would never be possible without the support from individuals who have contributed on behalf of their class, parents. siblings, teachers, friends, or even a life event. Donations of $100 or more are recognized on engraved display plaques, which are on our General Scholarship Wall, located on the main floor of the Iron Mountain High School.
If you are interested in making a tax deductible contribution as a graduating class, as an individual to honor or memorialize someone, or as a general donation to this fund, please contact the Scholarship Administrator at IMHS 779-2610, ext. 4318 or email
Donations can be delivered in person or mailed to:
Scholarship Administrator Iron Mountain High School 300 West B Street Iron Mountain, MI 49801