2023-2024 Teacher Requests Granted

    Thank you to the Academic Booster Club for rounding out a set of class microscopes with their back-to-back-year purchases of four (eight total) new Motic Swiftline microscopes. Here, students Ben Truong and Carter Kassin look at slides in their Advanced Biology class.


    Iron Mountain Public Schools thanks the Academic Booster Club for their generous donations this school year for our students and teachers:

    • Honors Celebration Raffle ($100 to each class, randomly drawn)

    • Mrs. Carey's Chemistry class participated in a computer based, acid-based titration lab using three donated magnetic stirrers and hotplates from the Academic Booster Club. ($1,450.20)

    • ​Document cameras for Mrs. Yake's and Mrs. Coleman's classes ($166.00)

    • Prismacolor Colored Pencils for Mrs. Stanchina's Art classes ($163.00)

    • Simple Machines and Construction Kits for Ms. Haferkorn's Middle School STEM class ($800.00)

    Fall 2018

    This year the Academic Booster Club has paid for the following to help our students succeed: Turnitin (Plagiarism Software), Career Cruising (Software), Supplies for the Science Department. Academic Booster Club also will pay for the bus for the Junior Class College Tour in the Spring.


    Voted to fund requests from 3 teachers for items needed in the classroom: A document camera for Mrs. Yake, ten TI83+ graphing calculators for Mr. Martilla, and equiptment for Mr. Boddy's chemistry classes. Also voted to help with the cost of the bus for the Junior Class college trip in March. We paid for another subscription to "Turn-It-In" and "Career Cruising". We are also supporting the FUTURES program planning for next Spring.

    Spring 2016

    The Academic Booster Club made $30,000 donation to FUTURES Program!


Students working with Oxidation-Reduction Potential senors
Oxidation-Reduction Potential sensors
Students working with Oxidation-Reduction Potential sensors
Thank you ABClub!

The ABClub purchased a set of Oxidation-Reduction Potential sensors to be used in Chemistry and Advanced Chemistry. They are used to measure the electrical potential change during a chemical reaction.