Work-Based Learning

    Iron Mountain High School has a long history of Cooperative Education (co-op) with many area local businesses. ​​Cooperative Education is a school to work program that involves students, parents/guardians and the business community. It matches a students class work and career interests with a work site based learning opportunity. The Cooperative Education program is not a job placement service; it is an enrollment program which enables students to receive training and career exploration and work supervision while many times getting paid and continuing their education.

    The Co-op program is a full year program intended for high school seniors. High school juniors are accepted into the program only if they qualify. Students are required to provide their own transportation to and from the site. Students must have taken the required course work to qualify for the program. Students take a co-op class for a two period block and work for the employer for two hours per day. Should a student's school work or performance on the job become unsatisfactory, students will be removed from the program. The students first obligation is to their school work.

    Students interested in the Cooperative Education program should contact Mrs. Pietrantonio the year prior to interest in signing up. Co-op sites are set-up the spring before enrollment in the program. Students should plan ahead in their high school careers and make sure they take the proper classes to qualify them. See Mrs. Pietrantonio for further information.

    Rules & Responsibilities

    Students are expected to report to their sites as scheduled by their employers, be on time, and be responsible for duties they are given. Students are expected to dress according to their employer’s guidelines and follow all work site policies and procedures as well as all school policies and procedures.

    Students MUST work 2 hours a day, Monday through Friday. If a student needs to leave early, they will be marked absent and are subject to the schools absence policy. If school activities are scheduled during work hours, students must inform their employer well in advance so they can schedule around the school activities. Every effort should be made to come in early, if possible, to get your hours in daily. This should be worked out with your employer ahead of time. Most employers are willing to work around athletic and other extra curricular events if given appropriate notice. Remember, this is a professional environment and you must act appropriately. If you have to leave early, you must notify Mrs. Pietrantonio either in person or by email that day.

    If they are ill or have a family emergency, they should always inform their employer as soon as possible that they will not be at work. If a student is absent for illness or other acceptable reasons for a length of time that will not give them their weekly hours, they must inform the employer and Mrs. Pietrantonio. All students are required to turn in bi-weekly time cards and all absences should be reported on the time card. In addition, students are required to attend a monthly co-op meeting.

    Employer Responsibilities

    Employers are expected to provide students with a positive work experience. They are asked to share insights into their jobs and their organization and requirements of their career field. Employers should make students aware of expectations and responsibilities, explain all policies and procedures and provide assistance or training when necessary. Adequate safety training should be given to each employee prior to the student starting their job. Each employer should be compliant with OSHA standards.​

    Employers are asked to involve students in as many aspects of the job as possible, including meetings, problem solving, and decision making. Employers/Supervisors will be asked to complete a performance evaluation each trimester which will factor into the student learner's final course grade.