
President: Betsy Vanegas-Mendoza Vice President: Benjamin Truong Secretary: Bella Vicenzi Treasurer: Macy Gunville Public Relations: Bella Person

Board Representative: Giovannie Saldana

The Iron Mountain High School Student Council consists of Class Representatives and six Officers voted on yearly by fellow students.

The election process occurs in the Spring semester for the following school year.

High School Student Council meets monthly, on the first Thursday of the month during lunchtime in the Media Center.

Additional meetings may be scheduled based on necessity.

The High School Student Council is involved with a number of activities throughout the school year:

  • Homecoming Assembly

  • Homecoming Spirit Week

  • Homecoming Tailgate

  • Homecoming Dance

  • Halloween Costume Contest

  • Veteran's Day Ceremony

  • Mid-Winter Formal and festivities

  • Valentine's Day Activities

  • Additional Pep Assemblies/Events

Iron Mountain High School Student Council
