Term expires 2028
Darren Petschar is a retired elementary school principal (Woodland Elementary) and a current fourth grade teacher in the Niagara School District. Darren is the husband of Sherri and father to Elizabeth, Owen, and Teagan. He is an alumni of Iron Mountain High School, and received his Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education, English, Math, and Science and his Masters in Educational Leadership from Northern Michigan University. Throughout his time at Iron Mountain, he has been a member of various organizations such as the Drug Task Force, church committees, SAY Soccer, Little League, Michigan Elementary and Middle School Principals Association, Borderline Principals Association, Boy Scouts, Booster Clubs, and other ad hoc committees and teams to create and promote various community activities. Darren feels that his “background and experience in different educational systems in both Michigan and Wisconsin will help the Iron Mountain Public Schools system be the best it can be for teachers, students, parents, and the community.”